Business Law, Business Formation and Finance, Computer/High
Tech/Biotech Law, Intellectual Property, Trusts, Estates,
Wills, Probate, Estate Planning, Real Estate, Civil
Litigation, Mediation.
Attorney and accountant, Notary Public. Former IRS attorney
and former tax/business transactions attorney for a major
corporation (Freddie Mac®). Education: University
of Maryland (B.A., 1977); St. John's University School
of Law (J.D., 1980); Georgetown University (M.S. Accounting,
1981); New York University School of Law (LL.M., 1987).
Practice serves individuals, business, trusts, estates,
partnerships, nonprofit organizations, etc. in regional,
national, and international legal matters. Licensed to
practice law in Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia,
and New York. Admitted to U.S. District Court-District
of Maryland, U.S. District Court-Northern District of
New York, U.S. Tax Court, U.S. Court of Appeals-Fourth
Circuit, and U.S. Supreme Court Bars.
Tax practice covers all types of Federal, State, Local,
and Foreign taxes for individuals, business, partnerships,
trusts, estates, and nonprofit organizations. Tax return
preparation. Tax planning and research, IRS and State
tax audit matters, appeals, and litigation. Amended tax
returns, late tax returns, unpaid taxes, divorce taxation,
innocent spouse tax matters, tax liens and levies, tax
garnishments, offers in compromise, bankruptcy tax matters,
employment tax matters, Trust Fund Recovery Penalties, Foreign Bank Account Reports, Foreign Asset Reports, Reward Claims, etc.
Business law practice includes choice of business entity (corporation, limited liability company, partnership, business trust, sole proprietorship, etc.), business formation and finance, venture capital and angel financing, business contracts, letters of intent, shareholder agreements, buy-sell agreements, employment agreements, nondisclosure agreements, employee handbooks, consulting agreements, teaming agreements, and subcontracts. Business qualification and registration, business licensing, commercial correspondence, etc. Federal, State, and Local business incentives such as SBA loans, Section 8A, minority and ethnic-owned businesses, woman-owned businesses, disadvantaged business enterprises, economic development zones, etc. Preparation of corporation and limited liability company documents such as Annual and Special Shareholder/LLC Member and Board of Directors Meeting Notices, Resolutions, Meeting Minutes, Consents in Lieu of Meetings, Bylaws and Amendments, etc. Mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations, formation of subsidiaries, partnership agreements, joint venture agreements, purchases/sales of businesses, serving as Registered Agent for Foreign and Domestic corporations/business entities, business litigation, etc.
Computer law, high tech law,
biotech law, software/product development agreements, consulting
services agreements, software/product licensing agreements,
software/product maintenance agreements, domestic and international
software/product distribution agreements, e-commerce and
web development agreements, joint ventures, teaming agreements,
subcontracts, confidentiality agreements, litigation, etc.
Intellectual property (trademarks, service marks, and
copyrights), applications, protection issues, infringement
issues, domain name and web content protection, online
brand protection issues and resolution strategies, domain
name recovery and acquisition processes, unfair competition,
trade secrets, trade dress claims, litigation, etc. Identifying
and inventorying intellectual property assets, buying
and selling intellectual property assets, etc.
Trusts, estates, wills, probate, estate planning and
administration, general and special powers of attorney,
health care power of attorney and advance medical directives/living
wills, revocable living trusts, insurance trusts, charitable
trusts, special needs trusts for disabled persons and
minors, estate and gift tax, fiduciary income tax, generation-skipping
transfer tax, family limited partnerships and limited
liability companies, closely-held business and tax planning,
asset protection planning, prenuptial agreements, guardianship
and conservatorship of adults and minors, will contests,
estate litigation, trust litigation, etc.
Real estate, commercial and residential leases, sales
contracts, negotiations, mortgage finance, FIRPTA federal
income tax withholding matters concerning sales of residential
real estate by foreign persons, etc.
Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Services
as a trained Mediator to facilitate resolution of disputes
involving Tax, Business, Estate, Trust, and Probate matters
without going to court.
All major credit cards accepted: American Express®,
MasterCard®, VISA®, Discover®